We moved from Germany to Utah
in June 2015
Welcome to our Website of quality German Shepherds (SV /AKC /USCA)
SV Zuchstätte für Deutsche Schäferhunde
We are a family oriented Hobby breeder in the Salt Lake City area, Utah, operated by Markus and Rossi Dengler Forman.
Compared to many breeders, specially locally, we are breeding, training, trialing and competing ourselves with all our dogs to fullify the hight international health and breeding standards of the german SV and WUSV (World Union of German Shepherds)
Our breeding program focuses on breeding German Shepherd Dogs, bred to the breed standard of the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) here in the USA. You will often see the terms “World-Class” when people refer to German Shepherd Dogs bred to the SV standards.
Our foundation breeding females are from West German Working Line German Shepherd healthy Bloodlines and as Germans, we have been in the SV German Shepherd dog world for over 30+ years. We put immense effort, money and time in the german health testing process and we trained and titled a lot of dogs ourselves from 0 to IGP3, the king class of all titles.
We dont do Business with our Breeding, we carefully do Selective breeding and strive for producing high quality German Shepherd working dogs with exceptional work ethic, excellent sound temperaments and conformation, with extremely high intelligence and with exceptional working ability.
Many times we need to travel far to find a suitable mate to maintain our standards.
All of our dogs are part of our family. Puppies are raised inside our home and every single pup is part of our family.
We believe that the best training happens when the dog has a strong, balanced relationship with their humans (trainer and owner)!
Thank you for visiting "Vom Haus Denfors K9" and I hope you enjoy the site! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if there's anything we can assist with.
We are members in good standing of
Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV),
United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USCA)
German Shepherd Dog Club of America (GSDCA)
& the American Kennel Club (AKC)