Breeding Females
Zita vom Haus Lohe
"Zita vom Haus Lohe"
There was something truly special about this female from day one, Markus saw her in Germany.
She has a really nice dark sable coat and a big, beautiful head, very big boned female, imported from Germany end of July 2022.
We are so happy to get her imported and added her to our Breeding Program with heathy and awesome producing females.
The Breeder Heinz Sasse is an traditional long time Breeder in Germay and is experienced since decades.
Zita arrived here and felt home since day one we had her.
Zita is a very self-confident, very temperamental stable female in all different environment's She has crazy ball and food drives and she has genetic full and calm gripping like expected and proved in germany.
Zita will enter back in the sport after her litter and will complete her IGP 2-3 and Breed Survey Lifetime.
A possible showing at regional championships may be considered.
SV HD/ED normal, (A-stamp), DM-N/N
She is confident, friendly, very happy and open to everybody and anything.
We are super excited!
Ahnentafel / Pedigree
(Click on the picture for the link to working dog)

Zita Art