Ajax vom Haus Denfors K9
Ajax is an exceptional and very unique dog. The one in a million dog!
This is Ajax. His type is characteristic of German Shepherds from the former West Germany with big heads, wide chest and massive bone structure and correct in his angulation and conformation. He is a large, tall male and weighs a solid 85 lbs and is extremely powerful.
He still acts like a puppy with his 64 cm of height.
His size combined with the physical presence and his raw power and speed is phenomenal.
His bites and grips are phenomenal hard and tied - that is unbelievable.
He is even so fast like his sister. His work ethic is exceptional!
With family and friends he is a sweetheart and loves to play gentle with kids.
He is extremely sweet and loving. He is an extremely confident, bold and assertive boy also.
Ajax is one in a million.
He is happy in the house with his people, or cuddling with the kids. He is just cool! You absolutely will not find another dog like him anywhere else.
Breed Survey
"He is a big boned, very strong and substantial male with good built proportions.
Powerful head, straight back, a good croup and good angles in the front and rear end.
A dominant and safe self assured nature."
"Ajax Vom Haus Denfors K9"
100% German working Line
Bred in the USA
SV/USCA Pink Paper
Hips/ Elbows:
SV normal (A-Stamp)Best Rating
DNA: SV and AKC proofed
ZW 73 (01/2022)
Does not carry long coat!
ZB: V 6 (Siegershow 2022)
SV Breed Survey
BHOT (Breeder Handler Owned Trained)
2x High in Trial, 3x High Tracking, 2x High Obedience, 1x High Breed Surveyed
4x USCA IGP Regionals
2020 USCA NW IGP2 Vice Champion, BHOT Award
2021 USCA NW Regional Championship, 3.rd Place, BHOT Award
Characteristics: Strong and powerful male, Outstanding work ethic, Absolutely crushing grips
Hart hiting into the sleeve and helper, Excellent temperament on and off the field.
Consistently in all three phases of IGP at Regional Level.
Excellent health, Big head, wide chest and wonderful massive bone structure. Ajax is a large sized athletic,
fast and powerful male who impresses with hard, firm and full grips, as well as his massive
hits on the helper and the sleeve and his clear nature! Always shows this hard biting behavior.
He carries this hard, firm and full grips unimpressed through all pressure phases. He handles pressure very easily and is
always willing to work.
Ajax has extremely high ball drive, extremely high food drive and extremly high prey drive. He has the best temperament
you can ask for and is a sound clear headed dog. Super environmental.
Tracking is very focused, intense and concentrated over long distances very methodical; problem solver!
Obedience is very powerful and active and shows all his power in every exercise with awesome speed and correctness.
Out in public and in family he is a different dog than on the working field! He is very nice to people and neutral to other animals.
He produced a litter of 7 healthy pups with 5 male and 2 female pups.
Produced very big boned and big head puppies with excellent drives.
In Greek mythology, Ajax was a great warrior. In the Trojan wars he fought Hector. Ajax a formidable name for a formidable dog.
Ahnentafel / Pedigree
(Click on the picture for the link to working dog)